Monday, November 9, 2009

And Still More Quotes from Twitter

Alan Shalloway - Scrum's power lies in its collaboration, co-location & feedback. thinking it lies in its practices is what ossifies/limits it.

Alan Shalloway - The Leader must be pulling the org thru the change process, not pushing it thru. When a leader is pushing, the org's, people don't know if they are being pushed toward something better or off a cliff- they do not have the concern if leaders are out in front and pulling.

Alistair Cockburn - Crystal = frequent delivery + close communication + reflective improvement => self-awareness; Ladder: techniques -> principles -> metaskills

Bob MacNeal - Maybe "self-direction" is one characteristic that distinguishes a team from a group. Scott Duncan - Collaboration would be another. Been in group's that related well, but each did their own thing and were structured that way.

Carl Sagan (via Kevlin Henney) - Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong.

Chris McMahon - to improve performance, what is THE ONE THING we can do right now? Ron Jeffries - they already know the one thing. Everyone does.

Dale Emery - Passion and respect are not inherently at odds, though they can seem to be if you don't know how to express both at once.

Daryl Kulak - Project estimating is just wishing to two decimal places.

Dave Ramsey (via Carlton Matthews and @E-Mealz) - When your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall.

David Hussman - Sometimes Twitter seems like the world first and largest virtual fortune cookie.

Elizabeth Hendrickson - It is hard to Speak the Truth, and speak it diplomatically enough to be heard, when people want Comforting Lies.

Elizabeth Hendrickson (reported by Chris Sterling at PNSQC) - "The definition of Agile is in the results" (deliver value frequently at sustainable pace) "Flexibility is a side-effect of being agile."

Glyn Lumley - Anybody's job should not merely be to "do it right" but to do it better.

Hillel Glazer - Real engineers *do* like GOOD processes. Those that don't are posers. If you made it through college/university w/out any processes you probably weren't in an engineering school. Check your diploma.

J.B. Rainsberger - I find it hard to value Customer Collaboration without valuing whatever the customer decides is value.

Jacob Yip - Stop the line != stop and fix. Stop and contain. Fix when you understand why, which may require longer analysis.

Jason Yip - A car is a system; individual parts are not. Extreme Programming is a system; individual practices are not.

Jason Yip - Paradoxically, if you truly value people, you tend to focus on the work, not on the people.

Jeff Patton - agile people: is iteration process iteration- repeat the same steps in cycles, or product iteration: reconsider and rework prod decisions?

Jeff Patton - Agile-resistant teams hate all the meetings. Experienced agile teams love all the collaborative work.

Jeff Patton - Requirements are the boundary between what I get to decide and what you get to decide. It's a fuzzy discussion, or DMZ.

Jim Highsmith - Agility is the ability to think and learn rather than blindly following a recipe. Brian Marick - No, agility is not "the ability to think and learn rather than blindly following a recipe". Let's not equate "agility" with "good". The ability to think and learn is part of Agile and 8 zillion other things. Joshua Kerievsky - @marick You've focused on the think/learn part while the important part is not "blindly following a recipe." (even an Agile one). Brian Marick - @JoshuaKerievsky I suppose it needs saying. But I think it would be good if Agile thought leaders thought more about software.

Jim Knowlton (at PNSQC via Matt Dressman) - "date, but don't marry, your framework."

John D. Cook (actually from his blog pointed to by Jurgen Appelo) - I’ve said that someone has too much time on their hands, but not since I read Meyer’s post. I see now that the phrase is often a sour grapes response to creativity. I don’t want to do that anymore.

John Goodsen - Iterations are the dogma and waste of Agile. Flow and pull make iterations irrelevant. Are you certified to manage waste?

John Seddon (via Bob Marshall) - Less of the wrong thing is not the right thing.

John Seddon (via Bob Marshall) - Measure what is important to customers, not auditors.

Mike Sutton - The larger the organisation the thinner the thread that connects work to value.

Naresh Jain - Code is not an asset its a liability. Tacit knowledge gained building the product is the asset.

Nat Pryce - New manifesto: while we value valuing things other than value, we value valuing value more.

Pat Reed (via George Dinwiddie) - Projects fail at the beginning, not at the end.

Payson Hall - On reflection, key takeaway from #Risk Conference last month was definition of #project risk as "Uncertainty that matters".

Peter R. Scholtes (via Glyn Lumley) - Why do you hire dead wood? Or, why do you hire live wood and kill it! (From The leader's handbook: making things happen, getting things done‎).

Peter Scholtes (via Glyn Lumley) - Bureaucracy is a form of waste.. people with no real work to do impose needless tasks on those with real work to do.

Scott Duncan - I see "giving" offense as different from "taking" it. I can avoid the former, but likely not the latter.

Scott Duncan - In general we do not expect perfection, but in particular, we do.

Scott Duncan - Waste: Write on board; copy to paper; transcribe to elec doc; have a bunch of people review to check for mistakes, etc.

Tim Ottinger - Between the placebo effect and the hawthorne effect it is hard to know anything about anything involving human beings.

Tim Ottinger - Biggest tip for remote pairing: Latitude hurts, longitude kills. Common hours are helpful. [Actually, a general comment about distributed teams that I’ve heard various places.]

Virginia Satir - Understanding and clarity, not agreement, is what's important in dialogue.


  1. To manage the risk successfully one should have scum in their projects .With high competition, companies have to develop products fast and innovatively always adding value and greater customer satisfaction. In Scrum, it is important to learn agile through one of the Agile Training Providers and practice its basic principles which collectively and naturally help in effective management of risk. As a project manager i follow SBOK guide of

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